Poetry From A Dark Night Of The Soul

Poetry From A Dark Night Of The Soul

This is the story of my dark night of the soul, of traversing the depths of despair, and of rebirth.

With this book I hope to show the reality of hitting rock bottom. Not by a self-reported narrative written after the fact, but through unfiltered poetic expression written in real time during my breakdown and recovery.

There is a Japanese practice known as ‘kintsugi’ where broken pottery is repaired with gold – a metaphor for embracing your own flaws and imperfections, emphasizing their beauty as an act of self-love and integration, rather than hiding them as an act of shame.

I am that piece of broken pottery, and these poems are the gold that served to repair my broken soul. I share them here to show you that there is beauty to be found from within the shadow, and that you too can survive your dark night of the soul.

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