160: The Diagnosis Dilemma - Is it BPD, ASD or C-PTSD?


I have long since struggled to find the right diagnosis, as well as with the concept of a diagnosis it self.

Not only can a diagnosis be prescriptive and limiting, it can also be given incorrectly. There is a massive crossover between the symptomologies, and some specialists have a tendency to over diagnose to the affirmative of their area.

What’s more, the clinical setting is a limited and artificial representation of the patients experience.

All this can lead to a confusing, drawn out and exhausting experience for those of us navigating our way through our mental health concerns.

Links Mentioned:
The Body Keeps The Score - Bessel van der Kolk
I Hate You Don’t Leave Me - Kreisman & Straus
Asperger Syndrome - Tony Attwood
Under The Influence - Zachary Phillips

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