set the darkness alight

A levitating cloaked warlock/witch summoning fire setting the darkness alight

when pain turns to might
the blind gain sight
but try as they might
they can’t handle the light
so accustomed to darkness
truth brings fright …

rodents delight in their self created blight
reluctantly fleeing the cat’s tyrannous bite
unable to fight they turn to flight
returned to the sewers
hiding till night
then forming packs of righteous right
they write of spite and unquenched appetite
they sight the slight and ways to incite
they observe the oversight and offer an invite
then wait
for their revolution
to set the darkness alight

World volatility directly translates to inner duress. This poem came after a long and restless night pondering the uncertainty of the future.

The details are sketchy, but Trump got shot.

I’m not an American, but I’m aware of the hegemonic nature of their empire, how my country is in their orbit along with perhaps the entirety of the geopolitical and economic system.

Thus the anxiety.

Events like this have historically led to change. Some good, some bad, some totally unpredictable. It is fear of that unknown that kept me up last night and needed to be expressed this morning.

I have no skin in the game of US politics. I am not informed enough on any of the issues, nor am I smart enough to balance the opinions and facts and counter facts of all sides, nor can I vote anyway.

All I see is emotional pain and the potential of. I see the loss of life, the inclination of either side in the media, the conspiracy theories and the narrative twisting. The innocent victims and the perpetrators who were driven to perpetuate.

All of this is so much, particularly off the back of the political horrors of the last few years, and the fears and traumas of lockdowns and the like.

The lack of control scares me. The lack of knowledge scares me. The lack of clarity scares me. And I’m sure it’s scaring some of you as well.

I don’t know if it’s a feature of the internet, or tech in general, or if things are getting worse. Or that I’m feeling something internal that has been triggered, but I wanted to share this to connect with those of you who are feeling likewise unsettled.

Tell me, how are you feeling right now?

Read more:
- capitalistic desire
- burn these pages
- Eyes

This poem is inspired by the book ‘Poetry from a Dark Night of the Soul’. Download a free copy here, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.

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