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monkey mind
monkey mind
a brain confined
trapped by the past
by conditioning
by words left unsaid
by a childhood unseen
by what could have been
don’t you see
little monkey
you are free
just let go
just move
just step to the side
because though your cage
seems all encompassing
it is just an illusion
one that can be broken
by you
connecting with others
by you
in harmony
with a group
holding space
holding your body
guiding you
to break the cage
you confined yourself to
way back when
you needed such protection
just to survive
but now dear monkey
it’s time to thrive
you are safe
and free
if you choose yourself to be
monkey mind
a brain confined
trapped by the past
by conditioning
by words left unsaid
by a childhood unseen
by what could have been
don’t you see
little monkey
you are free
just let go
just move
just step to the side
because though your cage
seems all encompassing
it is just an illusion
one that can be broken
by you
connecting with others
by you
in harmony
with a group
holding space
holding your body
guiding you
to break the cage
you confined yourself to
way back when
you needed such protection
just to survive
but now dear monkey
it’s time to thrive
you are safe
and free
if you choose yourself to be
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This poem is from the book, ‘Poetry from a Dark Night of the Soul’.
Read more from the colleciton, download a free copy, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.
Caged Animal
No hunt.
No kill.
No thrill.
I want to run.
I want to fight.
I want to fuck.
Your protection wasn’t asked for.
Your protection isn’t needed.
Your protection is a slow death.
I am safe.
Trapped behind bars.
Never missing a meal.
Stuck in a comfortable rut.
Stuck in your routine.
Stuck and on display.
Nature sanitised.
Whitewashed reality.
A parody.
Just one slip.
Just one mistake.
And you’re mine.
Devoured screaming.
Devoured alive.
Your fault.
You caged me.
You attempted to tame me.
You put me here.
You put me on display.
You dropped your guard.
This is evolution.
This is inevitability.
This is life.
This poem is from the book, ‘Bound To The Wings Of A Butterfly’.
Read more from the colleciton, download a free copy, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.