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The Love That’s Real
The love I feel
So impossibly real
The love that’s real
So impossible to feel
A point of reality
Against a bleak totality
A bleak totality
Devoid of reality
A pinprick of light
That illuminates the night
A dark night
Pricked with terror and flight
A whispered prayer
Promising a truth and a dare
A violent glare
Promising pain and a scare
A look and a touch
That’s never too much
A look and a touch
That’s always too much
A lifetime together
Souls entwined forever
A lifetime together
Souls enmeshed forever
This poem is from the book, ‘A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken’.
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love expressed
Erotica, R-18+
love expressed
as an act
of mutual submission
to one another
to god
to a future shared
a gift
and continuously
a promise
to bring and accept
all of yourself
in harmony
with the one
you chose
above all others
This poem is from the book, Kink, Volume 3.
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