Poetry, A Requiem Zachary Phillips Poetry, A Requiem Zachary Phillips

The Love That’s Real


The love I feel
So impossibly real

The love that’s real
So impossible to feel

A point of reality
Against a bleak totality

A bleak totality
Devoid of reality

A pinprick of light
That illuminates the night

A dark night
Pricked with terror and flight

A whispered prayer
Promising a truth and a dare

A violent glare
Promising pain and a scare

A look and a touch
That’s never too much

A look and a touch
That’s always too much

A lifetime together
Souls entwined forever

A lifetime together
Souls enmeshed forever

This poem is from the book, ‘A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken’.

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Sex, erotic poetry, Kink Volume Two Zachary Phillips Sex, erotic poetry, Kink Volume Two Zachary Phillips

The Love I Feel


Erotica, R-18+

The love I feel
So impossibly real

A point of reality
Against a bleak totality

A pin prick of light
That illuminates the night

A whispered prayer
Promising a truth and a dare

A look and a touch
That’s never too much

A lifetime together
Souls entwined forever

This poem is from the book, ‘Kink, Volume 2’

Read more from the colleciton, download a free copy, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.

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Poetry, reflections of the self Zachary Phillips Poetry, reflections of the self Zachary Phillips

Love Is


Love is a mortgage,
A debt promise of pain.
Paid with interest,
For those you outlive.

Love is making connections
Despite knowing they will be broken.
And it’s the letting go
Of the guilt for doing so.

Love is for the small sacrifices,
That contain the hidden joys.
And the memory that’s both
Blessing and curse.

Love is knowing when to push,
And when you must concede.
The realisation that you’re wrong,
And the leaving of transgressions unseen.

Love is the give and take,
The unspoken word.
The comforts freely given,
And those gratefully accepted.

Love is the discipline to say no,
Through begging, pleading and pain.
And the careful observation,
Of limits reached.

Love is tempered guidance,
A shot at eternity.
And the words of encouragement,
To try once more.

Love is a partnership,
A bonding of the muse.
A step into darkness,
Taken together in faith.

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