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From the first
I could see that you
Were wrong
Only now
Do I see
That I was too
How much
Would we have saved
If only we both knew?
Now I sit in regret
Wondering if you
Are sitting likewise too
This poem is from the book, ‘A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken’.
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There Is No Rush
There is no rush,
You are already there.
It is all around you.
It is in the moment,
And it is the moment.
There is nothing to be done,
And no one to do it.
No words spoken.
No rituals performed.
No sins cleansed.
Just an opening,
Just a realisation,
Just an acceptance.
Of silence,
Of the present,
Of reality.
As it is,
For what it is.
This poem is from the book Reflections of the Self, The Poetry, Insights, and Wisdom Of Silence.
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