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Once More
Once more
I wake
Finding myself adrift
Lost in thoughts
Of things
That will never happen
That can never happen
An ocean of possibility
Extends in every direction
Yet I fear
Leaving the safety
Of the anchor
Of the known
Once more
I wake
Finding myself both
Aimlessly drifting and unequivocally struck
Chastising myself
For not staying still
For not moving on
This poem is from the book, ‘A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken’.
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With time
I’ll be able
To change myself
To be worthy
Of your love
I know
Who I am
Right now
Isn’t even
Worthy enough
To be
In your presence
This poem is from the book, ‘A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken’.
Read more from the colleciton, download a free copy, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.
Scrying Thoughts
bong hit
smoke eyes
see life
father’s eyes
different pain
new disguise
hot take
fresh lies
core aspects
i despise
diverted focus
stoned highs
scrying thoughts
child cries
look close
perpetual demise
broken dreams
sharp knives
clichéd rhymes
This poem is from the book, ‘Bound To The Wings Of A Butterfly’.
Read more from the colleciton, download a free copy, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.