Sex, erotic poetry, Kink Volume Two Zachary Phillips Sex, erotic poetry, Kink Volume Two Zachary Phillips

She Wanted Me


Erotica, R-18+

She wanted me to ask
She wanted me to explore
She wanted me to speak
She wanted me to want more

She wanted me to command her
To tell her what was required
To tell her how to sit
To tell her she was desired

She wanted me to know
What was in her mind
What she wanted to do
What would make her spellbind

She wanted my inside her
Mind, body, and soul
She wanted me
To make her whole

This poem is from the book, ‘Kink, Volume 2’

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Sex, erotic poetry, Kink Volume Two Zachary Phillips Sex, erotic poetry, Kink Volume Two Zachary Phillips

But Nothing


Erotica, R-18+

I want you confident,
but to quiver when touched.

I want you quiet,
but loud when fucked.

I want you calm,
but to play with vigour.

I want you free,
but totally obedient to me.

I want you,
but nothing.

This poem is from the book, ‘Kink, Volume 2’

Read more from the colleciton, download a free copy, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.

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