Augmented Realities Zachary Phillips Augmented Realities Zachary Phillips

Augmented Realities: Human Poetry x A.I. Art

This book celebrates a dark night of the soul. Shines light into the shadow. Offers hope. Augmented Realities melds human poetry with artificial intelligence generated artwork to create something truly unique, taking readers on a journey of triumph over adversity through radical self-acceptance and the embracing of silence and stillness in an increasingly fast paced world.

This book celebrates a dark night of the soul. Shines light into the shadow. Offers hope. Augmented Realities melds human poetry with artificial intelligence generated artwork to create something truly unique, taking readers on a journey of triumph over adversity through radical self-acceptance and the embracing of silence and stillness in an increasingly fast paced world.

You can read some poems from the collection here.

Download a free PDF copy of Augmented Realties: Human Poetry x A.I. Art, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, or Audiobook.

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Zachary Phillips Zachary Phillips

How To Write Evocative Poetry

Journey into the captivating world of poetic expression with renowned author and poet, Zachary Phillips. Whether you are an aspiring poet or a seasoned writer looking to elevate your craft, this enlightening guide is your key to unlocking the power of words and creating evocative, soul-stirring poetry…

Whether you are an aspiring poet or a seasoned writer looking to elevate your craft, this guide is your key to unlocking the power of words and creating evocative, soul-stirring poetry.

Drawing inspiration from the natural world, personal experiences, and universal themes, this book provides invaluable advice on how to tap into your innermost thoughts and translate them into evocative verse. Through thought-provoking exercises and examples, you'll learn to evoke sensations, spark memories, and transport your readers to uncharted emotional landscapes.

But this book is more than just a practical guide—it is an invitation to discover your unique voice and unleash your poetic potential. You will gain the confidence to experiment with different poetic forms, play with unconventional techniques, and embrace the vulnerability of self-expression.

‘How to Write Evocative Poetry’ is a transformative journey that will enable you to breathe life into your words, infuse your poetry with depth and resonance, and leave a permanent mark in the hearts and minds of your readers.

Read some chapters from the book here.

Download a free copy of How To Write Evocative Poetry, or purchase as a eBook, Paperback, Hardcover & Audio.

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Zachary Phillips Zachary Phillips

Kink: Volume 2

Prepare yourself for a toe curling, lip biting, heavy breathing experience as you are taken on an adventure into the sexy, sensual, and seductive world of Kink: Volume 2.

No matter what you’re into, there is something here for you, with 69 pieces of erotic poetry explicitly and expertly crafted to tempt, tease, and tantalise. So get ready to connect to your inner freak and perhaps even unlock a few new kinks along the way!

Prepare yourself for a toe curling, lip biting, heavy breathing experience as you are taken on an adventure into the sexy, sensual, and seductive world of Kink: Volume 2.

No matter what you’re into, there is something here for you, with 69 pieces of erotic poetry explicitly and expertly crafted to tempt, tease, and tantalise. So get ready to connect to your inner freak and perhaps even unlock a few new kinks along the way!

Read some poems from the collection here.

Download a free PDF copy of Kink Volume 2 or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook

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Zachary Phillips Zachary Phillips

A Requiem For What Could Have Been: Poetry For The Broken

I wrote these poems incrementally, but collated, edited, and recorded them collectively. A process that was at first therapeutic and then brutally revealing. A lot of the pieces touch upon regret, lost possibilities, and missed opportunities born of trauma, neglect, mental illness, and fear, as well as the desperation that comes when you find yourself searching for hope inside of darkness.

What could’ve been and what is, are not the same thing. A lot of my pain comes from an inability to reconcile those two disparate facets of my existence. I know I can’t have everything I want, no one can. But when you are broken, it can be hard to know what you want, let alone have any idea of how to attain it.

Thus, I write. I write to heal, to express the darkness within, to get it onto the page, and into the light. To understand myself and to understand my understanding of the world.

I wrote these poems incrementally, but collated, edited, and recorded them collectively. A process that was at first therapeutic and then brutally revealing. A lot of the pieces touch upon regret, lost possibilities, and missed opportunities born of trauma, neglect, mental illness, and fear, as well as the desperation that comes when you find yourself searching for hope inside of darkness.

What could’ve been and what is, are not the same thing. A lot of my pain comes from an inability to reconcile those two disparate facets of my existence. I know I can’t have everything I want, no one can. But when you are broken, it can be hard to know what you want, let alone have any idea of how to attain it.

Thus, I write. I write to heal, to express the darkness within, to get it onto the page, and into the light. To understand myself and to understand my understanding of the world.

If you resonate with my words I encourage you to write some of your own - it will help.

Read some poems from the collection here.

Download a free PDF copy of A Requiem For What Could Have been, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.

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Zachary Phillips Zachary Phillips

Can't Quite Express

Can’t Quite Express is a 6500+ word epic poem.

Part expression,
Part confession,
Part question.

It is an intimate look at the impact of mental illness, trauma, and neglect. A critical dissection of the interconnected roles that family, religion, society, education, and government play, as well as their impacts upon an individual. A commentary on current affairs, historical trends, and the bleak potential of our collective future….

Can’t Quite Express is a 6500+ word epic poem.

Part expression,
Part confession,
Part question.

It is an intimate look at the impact of mental illness, trauma, and neglect. A critical dissection of the interconnected roles that family, religion, society, education, and government play, as well as their impacts upon an individual. A commentary on current affairs, historical trends, and the bleak potential of our collective future.

Can’t Quite Express is also both an example of, and an encouragement for, writing therapy.

It will show you how to use writing to heal, and then encourage you to pick up a pen and begin for yourself.

The page listens.
It doesn’t judge.
It has a perfect memory but can be easily discarded.
It is always available, always accepting, always there.

Can’t Quite Express will move you to contemplate, introspect and act. It will leave a mark. One that will reverberate into your future through your words, actions, relationships, and writing.

Download a free PDF copy of Can’t Quite Express, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, or Audiobook


I started writing Can't Quite Express in 2013. Back then I didn't realise what it would become, but I knew I had to get it onto the page.

I was writing what I now have discovered to be called a ‘monorhyme', a poem where the last line of each sentence has the same rhyme structure. I wanted to express the fact that trauma and neglect causes me to clam up and not be able to articulate the totality of my inner experience.

The title was a bit of an irony.

I shared the first version, perhaps 200 words, in the book, Words on a Page. But since then, I kept coming back to the idea of monorhymes and what I cannot express.

Flash forward to early 2022 and I had added around a thousand words to the piece and thought it was done - perhaps it could be a spoken word song, or just a long poem in a collection. My wife however told me that it 'didn't quite feel done yet' and suggested that I 'add something more'.

Very helpful advice as I was then compelled to add more and more until it reached its final size of 6700ish words.

Ironic, because I still feel like I cannot quite express the totality of the themes I speak on. Themes such as trauma, neglect, suicide, acceptance, religion, education, family, money, corruption, capitalism and stigma. That said, I am super proud of this poem, now book.

Writing it felt like the best therapy and sharing it feels like purpose.

I hope you feel the same way. 

I use writing to heal. When you put pen to paper and flow, some of the pain and confusion dissipates. Can't Quite Express is both an example of, and guide to, using writing as therapy. When you embrace your truth, engage with your past, and write your story you start to let go. It's hold over you diminishes and you get some space to move on with your life.

Perhaps, just maybe, this poem will inspire you to start writing yourself. You don't need to share what you create, but create you should. Trust me when I say that the long-term benefits out way the temporary pain,

You can download a free copy of Can’t Quite Express, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, or Audiobook

Below you will find the original poem that spurred this epic!

Can’t Quite Express

There are things that I want to say,
But just can't quite express.
Ruminations and meditations
That I'm too afraid to address.
Like the veil over my eyes
That keeps me hidden from the stress.
To the dark wishes
That I'm fighting to suppress.
Like the fear and anxiety
That I will constantly transgress.
To the past expressions
That I am never going to confess.
Like how everything I do
Gives me nothing but duress.
To the unwavering ache and torment
That’s causing me to regress.

I must profess, I desire to express my stress
Confess to address this abscess, to obsess on
Happiness, to aim for excess and to stop
Living like a fucked-up mess.

Yes, I want to make progress but there are just
Some things that I can't quite express.

Download a free copy of Can’t Quite Express, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, or Audiobook

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Zachary Phillips Zachary Phillips

Bound to the Wings of a Butterfly

Bound to the Wings of a Butterfly is a collection of poetry, written as an act of writing therapy. It is about healing, recovery, and self-acceptance. About the journey of discovery that comes with true internal healing, and about transforming our lives, towards positivity, beauty, and love.

It introduces the process of writing poetry to heal. Breaking down the barriers to artistic expression, empowering the reader to pick up a pen, look inside, and let the words flow. Encouraging them to brave the darkness and to discover the light.

Bound to the Wings of a Butterfly is a collection of poetry, written as an act of writing therapy. It is about healing, recovery, and self-acceptance. About the journey of discovery that comes with true internal healing, and about transforming our lives, towards positivity, beauty, and love.

It introduces the process of writing poetry to heal. Breaking down the barriers to artistic expression, empowering the reader to pick up a pen, look inside, and let the words flow. Encouraging them to brave the darkness and to discover the light.

I called this book, ‘Bound to the Wings of a Butterfly’, as a play on the old chaos theory adage, that suggests that small events can have large scale and unpredictable impacts upon the future. Each of the poems within, harks back to such events: childhood neglect, abuse, fear, and confusion. On a universal scale, these events are so personal as to be seemingly irrelevant. Yet, in my small world, they left a lasting mark that continues to reverberate into the future. They are the direct, or indirect, cause of the poems within this book. They are also responsible for me choosing to share it publicly.

I write to heal. I share my work to help others recover, connect, grow, and create for themselves. I share to reduce the stigma around mental illness. I share to normalise the exploration of the complex mazes that are our inner worlds. Thus, there is a direct causal link between the events of my past, and you reading these words right now. If this book moves, compels, encourages, changes, or impacts you in any way, however subtly, that impact will reverberate outwardly and forever into the future.

Who knows what impact those butterfly wings will have?

Read some poems from the collection here.

Download a free PDF copy of Bound To The Wings Of A Butterfly, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, Hardcover or Audiobook.

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