How To Reframe Negative Self Talk
Learning Life Skills You Were Never Taught As A Child
You Are Allowed To End Toxic Relationships
The 13 Rules of Drug Dealing I Learnt As The Son Of A Dealer
What I Learnt Grappling for 24 Hours Straight
I Just Completed 75 HARD & The Results Are Unimpressive
I Am A Survivor Slut: On Trauma and Hyper Sexuality
There Is Something Spiritual About Cutting Your Hair
Why Mental Illness Does Not Excuse Your Behavior Towards Others
The Fear Of Imperfection - Wisdom Talk
We have a tendency to judge our worst moments against the highlight reels of others.
We see all of our flaws, hear all the doubts, and live through the darkness, yet we compare ourselves to the external projections of others.
We fear failure, yet this fear ironically causes our performance to drop.
This talk will show you that it's only through acceptance and action that we can hope to push through our fears and take the actions necessary for success.
Click to listen!
Can Art Ever Be 'Pure'?
Art can almost never be pure.
I would like to remove the word ‘never’ from the above sentence, but I loathe to make definitive statements. There may be an exception to the rule that I haven’t explored and will never be exposed to. But as it stands, I am not convinced.
It comes down to intention.