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Every Moment Is An Opportunity For Freedom - Wisdom Talk
Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips

Every Moment Is An Opportunity For Freedom - Wisdom Talk

Every moment is an opportunity for freedom.

Mindfulness meditation gives us the tools to, at any moment, detach and take a different course of action. All we need to do is take one mindful breath.

This talk will discuss the possibility of freedom in every moment and give you some ideas on how to attain that freedom throughout the day.

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Happiness Is Closer Than You Think - Wisdom Talk
Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips

Happiness Is Closer Than You Think - Wisdom Talk

In this talk, we discuss how the difference between expectation and reality is often the source of significant discontent.

Life trains us to search for ideals: the perfect partner, job, life, outcome. Unfortunately this almost never arises and even if it did, it would be fleeting. Thus there is a real potential for ongoing and almost contentious self-inflicted suffering.

Thankfully, happiness is closer than you think. By embracing mindfulness we can begin to see and address the impact of our expectations.

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