The Collective

The Collective

Integration of the last Natural heralded in a new age.

There was no longer a need for any form of governmental control. All Integrates thought and acted as one.

There was no longer a need for creativity, expression or art. No physical creation could compare to the memory of the Collective.

There was no longer a need for religion. Death was gone, pain and suffering eliminated. What miracle could possibly compete with Integration?

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Historical File, H001b

Historical File, H001b


The Bureau of Religious and Ideological Acceptance is created. Tasked with ensuring toleration and safe practice for every and all Nations for Lasting Peace approved belief system.

We believe that all religions are a beautiful and treasured part of history and culture. It is the right of all humans to unreservedly practice their religion, free from persecution and judgement.”

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With a coy smile she bit her bottom lip, “I’m nervous, it is my first time you know?”
Blushing a little, she went on, “Well my first time since … changing.”

Smiling, he pulled her in close, causing her hands to fall upon his bare chest. He felt strong and defined. She pulled away slightly and with one finger, traced the lines of his tattoos down towards his abdomen, rising and falling with the contours of his muscles. His smell was as intoxicating as it was subtle.

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Bloodless Coup

Bloodless Coup

In the years preceding the War of Resources, a coup took place to gain control of the United States government. What follows is an excerpt from a speech given by the coup’s leader to his inner circle, following the successful takeover.

War is inevitable, there is simply not enough to go around. Yet, due to the affluence of our nation, no one here was preparing for it. Whilst other countries were stockpiling munitions and supplies, we were debating trivialities.

It is easy to philosophise over high minded morals and the ethical concerns of animals or ‘subjugated minorities’ when the barbarians are not at the gates. But they are coming, oh yes they are on the way.

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Historical File: h001a

Historical File:  h001a

You have selected historical file H001a - a modern recount of humanity’s journey to Integration, part A."

The natural resources of the modern world are becoming ever more scarce. Poverty and famine are rife. Pollution and deforestation have ravaged the earth. Large cities surrounded by endless slums begin to encompass most of the world’s surface. Population growth is out of control, particularly in third world countries.

"Please, give what you can, only use what you need."

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The Priest

The Priest

The Priest winced as he got down on to his knees and began to pray. The years of prostration had taken its toll on his old joints, yet he never complained. He recounted the stories, lit the candles and performed the rituals, as was dictated by his tradition.

Battered and torn robes adorned his shoulders, off white in colour. Around his neck sat a golden cross held in place by a thin leather cord that he kept tucked away under his shirt. Soft blue eyes, gentle wrinkle lines and a prominent nose further gave his aging body away.

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