Friends With Benefits

Friends With Benefits

“Look, I’ll admit it, you were right, and I was wrong. Satisfied?” said Frankie adjusting herself on the couch.

“Not yet,” replied Val, shifting slightly. “I think you owe me the full story. Besides, we made a bet and I know you are not one to skirt payment.” He winked at her, and she rolled her eyes. He glanced at her over the top of his glasses and smiled. Giving her the look that she was all too familiar with by now, the one that said, ‘you are a silly goose and you know it, but nonetheless I accept you’.

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Jamal’s Confession

Jamal’s Confession

I wouldn’t consider myself to be a bisexual, despite the fact that I regularly fuck both men and women. The male form just doesn’t turn me on, but neither does the female body either.

No, the real turn on for me is the power play.

I love the game. I love it when they submit to me and grant me total control.

When someone submits, it’s as if heaven has opened up and God is speaking directly in my ear, saying “Jamal, this is a gift for your pleasure, use it wisely”.

And I do…

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“Sex is like sports; it always helps to have a coach.”

I love Jeff, but my god does he give me some wack advice. I don’t know what happened to him growing up, but that boy was fooling around with the ladies long before the rest of us even knew what part of a woman was supposed to turn us on. Still, I should thank him more often. Or rather, the ladies whose company I have been lucky enough to have the pleasure of, should…

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Reading My Mind

Reading My Mind

A part of me hated that he could read my mind, but another, much larger part, loved it. Like how he knew when to put his hands around my neck and the exact amount of strength that he should squeeze. Or when I wanted him to throw me onto the bed and tell me in no uncertain terms exactly how I was going to pleasure him. And that I was going enjoy every minute of doing so.

He was right, and it was infuriating.

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The Professor

The Professor

Ryver sat in the front row of the lecture hall captivated by their professor’s words,

“Not only is there a moral imperative to treat all members of the LGBTQIA+ community with the same legal rights and subsequent protections as their cis-gendered counterparts, but there is also a strong economic incentive. Now, since the only way to change a conservative legislator’s mind is via their back pockets, we need to push for change through the guise of sound fiscal policy if we ever hope to achieve full legal and social acceptance.”

This produced a small chuckle from the audience…

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The Agreement

The Agreement

A long time ago, Society and Tradition got married.

Initially they lived in bliss, and humanity prospered. Great cities were erected, laws were created, money was invented, and religions were discovered.

But over time Tradition grew discontented with Society, for Society was always changing, and in turn was constantly pressuring Tradition to change as well. Tradition believed that whilst sex was necessary, it was in fact a necessary evil. One to be tolerated, but also shunned. Sex was best performed via ritual, only ever to be used for procreational purposes…

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Husband Swap

Husband Swap

“Do you think they would go for it? I mean, I know men talk the talk, but underneath all that bravado, they really are just scared little boys playing adult,” said Alisa twirling her keys in her fingers.

Suri smiled at her from across the booth and took a sip of her gin and tonic, “We just have to make them think it was their idea. Make them be the ones to bring it up, and when they do, we just push back a little. Play jealous and let them fret over how they will convince us to do it.” Suri batted her eyelids mockingly and continued, “Then, when we acquiesce and agree, they will think us the good little wifeys for satisfying their every desire. And since they will be the ones convincing us, it wouldn’t be a stretch to think a new handbag would be out of the question, right?”…

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It’s Not You It’s Me

It’s Not You It’s Me

The fucking arsehole just broke up with me two hours before my shift. And here I was thinking it was all going well. He actually said the words, “It’s not you, it’s me.” Like those sounds actually came out of his stupid mouth.


Unfortunately, a month later, there was a party. Hosted by the one mutual friend who hadn’t chosen sides, my side that is, and insisted on inviting us both. So of course, I turned my outfit all the way up that night. Heels, perfume, red lipstick, and that lacy choker chain that I knew drove him wild. I planned to find someone I’d never met before, and, well, seduce him.

But it didn’t quite go that way...

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Home Invasion

Home Invasion

Masie was home alone for the weekend and was going to make the most of it. Maybe a bath with candles, followed by a trashy romcom and some takeaway. Perhaps, hopefully, something more.

Tonight will be divine.

She was stripping down and hopping into the water, when she heard a noise coming from the front door. Masie gathered her towel and went down to check it out, “Kitty, is that you? I’ll have some food for you later.”

As she got to the door, she heard her cat meowing from the other room, “Ah there you are my dea…”

The door slammed open, pushing Masie back against the hallway wall. Gasping, she struggled to get to her feet against the shock of the impact…

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Rachel’s Confession

Rachel’s Confession

Before we begin, I need to say something, the societal standards around promiscuity are terribly biased. If a man were to act as I do, he would be considered a stud, someone that other men would admire and attempt to emulate. But me? Oh no, I am labelled a dirty slut. Women feel obliged to judge and shun me. Men are okay fucking me, but that’s about the level of my worth to them. It’s always been like that, even back in my high school days. Kids can be so cruel when it is happening to someone else, but when it comes back to them they act all shocked and hurt…

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Freezer Girl

Freezer Girl

The first time I saw her, I knew I was hooked. It wasn’t her slim waist or her perky breasts, although they certainly didn’t detract. It was the small things that got me.

Like the way she would lean against the bench with her hips out just so. And the black laced choker that was ever so slightly visible above the collar of her uniform. It was her tongue ring and her dark eyeliner. It was how she looked at me when we talked, with those eyes that just screamed confidence. With those eyes that knew exactly what they wanted…

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Hannah’s Confession

Hannah’s Confession

He was always coming home late from work, always tired, and never in the mood. It’s not like I expected much, but I did expect something you know? I mean I get it; a day of labouring must be so draining, and he probably just wants to come home and put his feet up for a while. That would be totally fine if he would at least acknowledge my existence.

One time, I got myself all dolled up. I went the whole hog for him; hair dyed platinum blond, makeup, perfume, heels, and a new saucy piece of black lace from one of the fancy shops. I even got myself professionally waxed! It sure did hurt, but my goodness I have never looked so fresh down there.

He didn’t notice a thing…

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Seriously, being a voyeur in the modern age sucks. There’s nothing to see. All anyone ever does is sit at home watching television. Together or alone, they stare like zombies at a screen. They don’t bother to move, talk, or do much of anything.

Where’s the drama?

Back in the day, you could peep though someone’s window and see some real action. Scarcely would a night go by that you wouldn’t see someone fighting or fucking. But now the only action is on those God damn screens…

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With a coy smile she bit her bottom lip, “I’m nervous, it is my first time you know?”
Blushing a little, she went on, “Well my first time since … changing.”

Smiling, he pulled her in close, causing her hands to fall upon his bare chest. He felt strong and defined. She pulled away slightly and with one finger, traced the lines of his tattoos down towards his abdomen, rising and falling with the contours of his muscles. His smell was as intoxicating as it was subtle.

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The Dream House Of Ill Repute

The Dream House Of Ill Repute

Aniyah gave a well-practiced smile and wink at the client who was appearing in the waiting room. Designed to be both welcoming, flirty, and suggestive at the same time, she had perfected the technique after hours of mirror work. She was lucky; the ability to work with mirrors in the dream space was rare, and thus she was highly prized within establishments such as this.

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