113: Taking A Walk Through Struggle Town

113: Taking A Walk Through Struggle Town

I have been going through a rough time recently. This podcast breaks down my journey through struggle town as well as how I plan to get myself out.

Thank you to everyone who has been messaging me on social/commenting on my videos with their support. It means a lot.

I apologise for the lack of content, I will get back to it as soon as I am well.

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42: The Importance Of Seeking Help

42: The Importance Of Seeking Help

In this episode, I talk about my experiences with mental illness, recovery, psychologists, medication and overcoming the embarrassment of seeking help. 
If you are struggling with anxiety, depression, self harm or suicidal thoughts, please seek help - there are support services and treatments options that work, as well as people that care. You just need to take that first step …

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8: Why You Shouldn't Let Your Trauma Define You

8: Why You Shouldn't Let Your Trauma Define You

"There is a risk of falling into the trap of defining ourselves based on our trauma. We might relive it over and over again -in our minds, contemplating what happened, wishing it was different.

Or perhaps we are the complete opposite - running and hiding from it, doing everything we can to not accept the event as part of our past. Perhaps we do both..."

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7: How Social Media Is Corrupting Your Mind - Even If Its All 'Positive'

7: How Social Media Is Corrupting Your Mind - Even If Its All 'Positive'

Social media is a highlight reel of life - not a true representation of reality. People only post the best and worst of their lives, not the mundane.

In this episode, Zachary Phillips discusses the impact that social media consumption has on our mental state.

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