From Surviving To Thriving PDF
/This free from surviving to thriving PDF will outline seven life principles to turn your life around.
It will help reframe your thinking, giving you guiding principles that will enable you to make and maintain positive changes in your life. Changes that will help you move from surviving to passionately thriving.
Seven Life Principles To Turn Your Life Around
It is possible to go from surviving to thriving, and these seven life principles to turn your life around will get you there.
To actually start living a life of fulfilment, happiness and meaning. I’m talking about overcoming anxiety, defeating depression and moving on from trauma. I’m talking about getting organised, making a plan for your future and actually going for it.
What I am really talking about is following your dreams.
It is possible for everybody, no matter their circumstances, to begin making these kind of changes. Yet most of us won’t.
We will acknowledge that whilst it is certainly possible for other people to turn their lives around, for some reason we can’t. We will offer up endless excuses as to why our circumstances stop us from taking action.
Simply put, we are afraid.
Here’s the truth: It will never be the right time to take action. The lights are never all green. Everyone faces their own unique challenges in life, yet some people choose to take action whilst others choose to complain.
But you are different.
You have taken action. The very fact that you are reading these words, right now, sets you apart from 95% of the population. You have made a commitment to start improving your life. A pledge to begin making your future self and your future life exponentially better.
The following seven principles have the potential to turn your life around, to improve your mental state, functionality and overall health. To help you go from a place of surviving, to passionately thriving. All you need to do is read on and apply these principles to your life.
Are You Ready?
Principle 1: Take Responsibility For Your Life
Terrible things may have happened to you. Things that were beyond your control, things that you didn’t want to happen and things that you never asked for. You may feel damaged and broken, used and abused.
It wasn’t your fault.
But you are here now, and it is on you to take action. You need to start the healing process. To not only survive, but to thrive.
It is not fair. You shouldn’t have to do so much just to feel normal. But unfortunately, no one else can do it for you.
Only you can speak to the therapists, only you can take the medicine, only you can lift the weights, only you can start the budget, only you can read the books.
Only you can seek out the help you need.
If you want something in your life to change, you have to be the one to make that change. There are no shortcuts to success. If you want it, you have to earn it.
Are you ready to do the work?
“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you to where you will want to go, no one else.” – Les Brown
Principle 2: Why It Is Important To Know Yourself
How well you know yourself will determine your success.
Do you know what drives you? What inspires you? What you are actually good at? Your breaking points? Your physical limitations and your personality weaknesses? The better you can answer these questions, the easier it will be to navigate all of life’s challenges and come out on top.
If you know exactly who you are, you will know how you will react in any situation. You will know what you need to work on. You will know what offers to accept and which to reject. You will know which relationships to nurture and which to cut. You will know how to set yourself up for success.
Cultivate self-awareness.
Take action to get to know yourself. Experiment with new concepts. Push yourself to your limits. Challenge your beliefs. Contemplate deeply.
The more you know about yourself, the better choices you will make.
“If you don’t know yourself, if you don’t control yourself, if you don’t have mastery over yourself, it is very hard to like yourself, except in some short-term, psych-up, superficial way.” – Stephen R. Covery
Principle 3: Living Honestly
All too often, we agree to things that we don’t really want to. We accept offers that we know aren’t right out of fear, and make choices that go against our core beliefs, just to fit in.
A fulfilled life only comes by saying yes to what you actually want and rejecting everything else.
Nothing is gained by compromising yourself for someone else’s approval. Your job is worthless if you can’t sleep at night. A friendship built on lies is meaningless.
You can’t act forever.
Living honestly means that you accept the reality of your situation, good and bad. It means that you are completely honest with yourself and with others; even when it hurts.
Unless you are completely honest, you are living a lie.
“Be yourself; everybody else is already taken.” – Oscar Wilde
Principle 4: Healing The Whole Person
If you want to move from surviving to thriving, you need to be healthy. Not just physically, but also emotionally and socially.
Your health is completely interconnected. If you impact one area of your health, the rest will soon follow.
This is why you feel so good after you exercise, and why you enjoy spending time with friends. It is why you feel so flat after eating bad food, and why you feel depressed when you are not following your dreams. It is why you crave being out in the sun, moving your body and listening to music. It is why you enjoy deep conversations, family time and hugs.
If you want to improve one area of your health, focus on improving all areas of your health, otherwise all your efforts will quickly come undone.
“I’m a big believer in what’s called personalized medicine, which refers to customising your health care to your specific needs based on your philosophy, genetics, value system and unique conditions.” – David Agus
Principle 5: A Lack Of Commitment
It is only by working on yourself, day in and day out, that you will see any lasting results.
Commitment is key.
I am talking about making self-improvement a habit. Instilling the behaviors that will get you where you want to be as a part of your daily routine. No matter what you want to accomplish in life, unless you work for it, it will never happen.
True, you won’t see results instantly. But you are guaranteed to see no results if you quit.
It is important to remember that a master is just an apprentice who kept turning up. They are successful because they are the ones who kept at it when other people didn’t.
If you want something, you need to do something. Not just once, but every single day.
Do you have what it takes to keep turning up?
“Remember that guy who gave up? No one does.” – Anonymous
Principle 6: There Are No Limits
How many success stories do you need to hear before you make your own? What would have to happen for you to believe that it is possible to achieve greatness?
Consider any of the greats. Starting out, none of them were guaranteed success, yet they tried anyway. They trusted in their methods. They knew that their discipline would eventually pay off. They took action before they saw results.
If it is possible for them, it is possible for you – provided you are willing to pay the price.
You can achieve the body you desire, earn all the money you would ever need or master that skill. All you need to do is work for it. Put in the time, commit the resources and make the sacrifices.
Everything can be learnt.
True, talent helps. But hard work always beats talent, when talent doesn’t work.
There are no limits to what you can accomplish, other than those you set upon yourself.
Don’t let the doubt, lack of imagination or jealousy of anyone stop you. Cut toxic people from your life and surround yourself with the people you want to become.
“Whether you think you can or think you can’t , you’re right.” - Henry Ford
Principle 7: Failure Is Not Permeant
Too many people give up at the first sign of adversity.
It gets a bit too hard and they quit. They break their diets, they let go of their routines, and they return to their old habits.
They stop.
Think of everything you now know. Initially you were a complete failure at all of it. But not anymore. You didn’t let those initial failures stop you. You kept at it. You learnt from your mistakes. You practiced. You studied. You won.
Failure is only permanent when you stop trying.
Failure shows you where you are weak and what you need to improve. It shows you the holes in your plans, and why your execution didn’t work. Failure helps you to fill in the gaps of your knowledge, personality and skill sets. All you need to do is listen and take action.
Don’t stop trying.
“I’ve missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I have lost almost 300 games. Twenty six times I have been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I’ve failed over and over again in my life, and that is why I succeed.” – Michael Jordan
Applying These Principles
If you want to apply all of these principles into your life, check out my book How To Get Your Sh!t Together. It provides real world examples, practical advice, tips and techniques for:
- Overcoming Anxiety
- Defeating Depression
- Moving On From Trauma
- Getting Organised
- Finding Meaning
- Following Your Dreams
How To Get Your Sh!t Together is the summary of everything that I have learnt from my lived experience with mental illness, childhood trauma and the recovery process.
It contains all of the best bits of advice from the hundreds of self-help books I’ve read, and the hours of personal therapy I’ve taken.
How To Get Your Sh!t Together has the potential to turn your life around, improve your mental state, functionality and overall health.
It is the last self-help book you will ever need to read.
You can download a free copy of How To Get Your Sh!t Together, or purchase as a Paperback, eBook, or Audiobook.