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Love Yourself Whilst Fixing Yourself
At the heart of true transformation lies the delicate balance between self-acceptance and the drive for growth. Embracing who you are in this moment, with all your flaws and strengths, is the foundation of inner peace. Yet, acknowledging your worth doesn’t mean staying stagnant; it opens the door to steady improvement and near limitless expansion. By honoring yourself as you are, you also create space for the evolution of who you can become…
Personal Growth Coaching Meets Intuitive Guidance
An intuitive personal growth coach combines traditional personal growth coaching with intuitive guidance to help individuals achieve personal and professional development. This approach blends practical strategies for self-improvement with a deeper, more intuitive understanding of the client's needs and potential paths forward.
Blast Through Writer's Block And Create Your Next Masterpiece
Blast Through Writer's Block and Create Your Next Masterpiece is a powerful guide that equips aspiring and seasoned writers alike with the tools and strategies to overcome the dreaded writer's block and unlock their creative potential.
Shadow Work Journal PDF
This free shadow work journal PDF will help you discover your truth and become whole. Inside you will find a comprehensive guide to shadow work journaling alongside a colleciton of activities and prompts.
From Surviving To Thriving PDF
This free from surviving to thriving PDF will outline seven life principles to turn your life around.
It will help reframe your thinking, giving you guiding principles that will enable you to make and maintain positive changes in your life. Changes that will help you move from surviving to passionately thriving.
There Is Something Spiritual About Cutting Your Hair
There is something spiritual about cutting your hair, about literally discarding a part of your past and the watching as the energy of the present replaces it. Yes, cutting my beard is a simple act, but it symbolic of a decision, to reaffirm myself and to choose to live…
The 13 Rules of Drug Dealing I Learnt As The Son Of A Dealer
My father was a drug dealer. He would use the profits from what he sold, to pay for what he used himself.
Growing up I was exposed to his dealing on a daily basis. I watched and learnt. Taking in all of the lessons he didn’t realise he was teaching…
5 Minute Self-Care
There is no one size fits all when it comes to self-care, everyone is different and our needs change. So it is important to have a self-care toolbox that we can use in the moment as a response to life stress, and as a part of a daily routine. This post will give you some ideas for 5 minute self-care. You are encouraged to try each one and then repeat the ones that work for you…
Don’t Stop Supporting Pride Month - My Story
The story of ‘that’ tattoo, pride month, and the nature of online discourse…
An Essay On Suicide: Why Men Commit Suicide More Than Women
"Suicide is the leading cause of death for young men. So if you know a young male aged 15-25, chances are that they have contemplated it at some stage.
Make sure you are there for them and that they know it..."
Writing Saved My Life
"I don't know where to start other then by saying that writing saved my life, and I wanted to share that with you..."
Putting Yourself First is Not Selfish
"People should look after themselves first. Now this is not a selfish idea either mind you, I believe that it is to the benefit of society as a whole, as well as in the best interests of the individual that would be the recipient of the sacrifice. Because if you don’t look after yourself, and you fall, how will that person get the help they need...?"
Try Before You Die: Advice That Stopped Me Committing Suicide
"Each time that I was close to following through, one thought kept coming to mind. It was so poignant that I couldn’t shake it ..."
Do Antidepressants Make You Emotionless? How Antidepressants Saved My Life, But Didn’t Make It Worth Living
Despite being great at keeping me alive antidepressants are certainly not ideal. Regardless of the type I tried, I faced the same issues. First were the debilitating side effects ...
What To Do After A Fight
A violent conflict is a serious event, you could face psychological, physical or legal concequences for your involvement - even if you didn't "start it'
What You Need To Know To End a Fight Quickly
You need to act. Violently.
Most people struggle with this. Even when being attacked, many feel unable or unwilling to respond in kind. But please remember, you are in a situation where avoidance, de-escalation and negotiation have all failed ...
The 100 Meter Sprint - The Best Martial Arts For Self Defence You Will Ever Learn
I often joke with my students that ‘the best style of self-defence is the 100-meter sprint’. But there is a lot of truth to it. If you are not being restrained, just run. Don’t think about it, just get out of there, fast ...
Preventing Conflict Is The Best Form Of Self Defence
If you want to stay safe it really is simple, do not put yourself in danger in the first place. Obvious I know, but many martial arts instructors fail to emphasize this point.
Taken to the extreme, people assume that I am advising them to stay indoors for eternity. To wrap themselves in cotton wool and remain hidden under the protection of their beds. Far from it ...
Lessons Learnt from Ten Years of Adults Martial Arts Classes
Training should be realistic and energetic. Each technique should have a purpose, be easy to implement in real circumstances, as well as hold up to pressure testing ...