5 Minute Self-Care

and image of the types of self-care, physical, emotional, social, spiritual, personal, space, financial, work

There is no one size fits all when it comes to self-care, everyone is different and our needs change. So it is important to have a self-care toolbox that we can use in the moment as a response to life stress, and as a part of a daily routine. This post will give you some ideas for 5 minute self-care. You are encouraged to try each one and then repeat the ones that work for you.

Smile, Breathe, and Go Slowly

Sounds cliché, but studies show that slowing down the breath, and smiling can help with mood regulation, anxiety reduction and an overall feelings of wellness. This makes it the perfect 5 minute self-care intervention.

Simply take a seat, get comfortable, and start your five minute timer. Then just begin to breath slowly – just a bit slower than you currently are. Allow your muscles to relax, your jaw to drop and your body to soften. If a smile comes, don’t push it down. If you lose concentration, simply and gently return your focus back to slowing down the breath.

Beginners sometimes struggle with breathwork, so if you need some guidance, check these out:
Guided breathwork tracks like box breathing for anxiety relief
Guided Stomach Breathing For Total Relaxation

Practice Some Restorative Yoga Poses

Yoga combines movement with calm breathing and flow. There are plenty of resources out there offering guided sessions and advice, a favourite of mine is Travis Elliot’s YouTube Channel and this book Jessie Chapman.

But since you only have time for 5 minute self-care I encourage you to take a moment to check into your body. Really feel what your body is asking for right now. Does it need to move or stretch in a certain way? If so, do it!

All to often we do not give our bodies what it is asking for and push through pain, discomfort, and tension. So take the next five minutes and loosen up, and if you need some guidance, try this guided meditation of mine: Release Body Tension With This Mindfulness Meditation Technique.

Drink Some Calming Teas

Like self-care, the best calming teas are those that you enjoy. Just get yourself a cup and do nothing else but drink it. Don’t also scroll social media or talk. Just sit and feel the warmth of the cup, and the taste of the drink as you allow it to warm you. This is the perfect 5 minute self-care as not only will it hydrate you, but the act of drinking a cup of tea mindfully (as described above) will certainly calm you down and bring you into the present moment.

If you are after some suggestions of calming teas, chamomile and peppermint are popular choices. And if you are a coffee drinker, don’t fret, you can also enjoy your cup with the method above, or with this guided meditation.

Listen To Your Favourite Song

A great 5 minute self-care option is to listen to your favourite song. Sounds simple, but often we go days without taking even one song’s worth of time to ourselves to unwind, so grab some wireless headphones, take a breath and press play. Lose yourself in the beat. Sing along and enjoy.

Wash Your Hands In Warm Water

If you had more time, I would suggest long, luxurious bath or shower, but if you only have 5 minutes for self-care, washing your hands in warm water is surprisingly relaxing. Similar to listening to your favourite song, we often go days without taking time to enjoy these small moments of self-care.

Find a tap and some nicely scented soap. Get the water temperature just right and feel the water. Watch the soap lather up and breathe in the smell. This simple task can have a lot of joy if you allow it.

Quick Clean

A clean house is a clean mind as the saying goes. IT sucks, but sometimes the best form of 5 minute self-care, could be to clean something. Put away the dishes. Clear the floordrobe. Clean the floor. Pick one task that you can complete and do it. Then look back at your progress and smile.

You made that happen. Your actions produced tangible changes in your environment. Revel in the fact that you can control your life.


  • Take some slow calm breaths

  • Stretch your body

  • Drink calming tea

  • Listen to your favourite song

  • Wash your hands in warm water

  • Do a quick clean