What Is The Difference Between Pain And Suffering?

What Is The Difference Between Pain And Suffering?

I am the cause of most of my suffering. Me. Not the past trauma, not the lingering mental health issues, not the state of the world, not my bank account, and not the health of my body. But me, or more specifically, my response to all those things. I have learnt that suffering is the difference between expectations and reality – and that your happiness is proportional to how much you accept that fact.

Let me explain…

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Why You Should Stop Striving For Enlightenment

Why You Should Stop Striving For Enlightenment

Zen suggests that when sitting, you simply sit. If enlightenment comes it comes. But you should stop striving for it. There should be no expectations of growth, change, happiness, or insights. You should sit for sitting’s sake, or more specifically, you should just sit…

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Am I Hitting Rock Bottom?

Am I Hitting Rock Bottom?

Rock bottom implies a hard abrupt end. A clear definable point at which things can’t get worse.

I realise I’ve been waiting for such a point, waiting for a clear moment where I can say, ‘ah ha! This is it, this is the lowest point of the dark night of my soul.’

But now I realise that the analogy of rock bottom is faulty…

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