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Get Your Sh!t Together, Overcome Anxiety Zachary Phillips Get Your Sh!t Together, Overcome Anxiety Zachary Phillips

How To Reframe Negative Self Talk

Thoughts of worthlessness, poor self-image, lack of belief in your own abilities, failure, and social out-casting, can run rampant in the mind and detrimentally impact your ability to function.

I know from first-hand experience the negativity cycle that these thoughts can put you into. When I am suffering from anxiety or depression, these thoughts can become particularly powerful.

They play on a loop in my mind, getting ever louder. The more they play, the more that I am negatively impacted. My functionality drops as I am less and less able to do the things I usually do. These losses ‘prove’ that the voices in my head are right…

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Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips

Stop Worrying Because It Won't Matter In Five Years Anyway

It is easy to get caught up in the emotion of the moment and then to overstate its importance.

Take being cut off in traffic as an example. The feelings of anger and self-righteousness can linger for hours. For some people, a minor incident can even lead to outbursts of yelling, hitting, swearing, anger, and even physical conflict…

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Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips

Yes, Even You Are Allowed To Relax

You are allowed to relax.

It is okay to look after yourself, and you should be occasionally spoiling yourself. Rest, recover and heal. Self-care is a vital component to ‘Defeating Depression’ as well as preventing all forms of mental affliction. Yet self-care is often overlooked, discounted or put so low on the priority list that it never gets done.

I know I am guilty of this…

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Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips

Why You Should Be Exercising Daily

The mind and body are completely interconnected. If something is wrong in the body, the mind may be the first place to show it. Irritability can be caused by tiredness or feeling cold. Headaches and mental tension can often be cured by hydration. Heightened anxiety levels can be significantly reduced by eating. The symptoms of depression are very similar to those of overtraining.

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Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips

Depressed? Do A Status Check.

The mind and body are completely interconnected. If something is wrong in the body, the mind may be the first place to show it. Irritability can be caused by tiredness or feeling cold. Headaches and mental tension can often be cured by hydration. Heightened anxiety levels can be significantly reduced by eating. The symptoms of depression are very similar to those of overtraining.

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