How To Reframe Negative Self Talk
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How To Reframe Negative Self Talk
Thoughts of worthlessness, poor self-image, lack of belief in your own abilities, failure, and social out-casting, can run rampant in the mind and detrimentally impact your ability to function.
I know from first-hand experience the negativity cycle that these thoughts can put you into. When I am suffering from anxiety or depression, these thoughts can become particularly powerful.
They play on a loop in my mind, getting ever louder. The more they play, the more that I am negatively impacted. My functionality drops as I am less and less able to do the things I usually do. These losses ‘prove’ that the voices in my head are right…
5 Senses Mindfulness: How to Calm a Panic Attack
The first time I had a panic attack, I thought I was going to die.
There was no exact triggering moment, just a quick, overwhelming onslaught of symptoms. Tight chest, sweating, heart palpations, racing thoughts, and a feeling of impending doom…
Big Decision? Why You Should Always Sleep On It Before Acting
Typically the advice to ‘Sleep On It’ it is given when somebody is working themselves up over a decision. The suggestion is offered in the hopes that it will cause the person to take a breath, detach from the situation and approach finalising the decision from a calmer place.
I wish that I had seen the light on this one long ago. It would have saved me countless days of emotional suffering. A review of my past decision making process has taught me that I need to take a step back, calm down and detach prior to taking action.
Despite What Your Brain Tells You, There Is Always A Solution To Your Problem
If I am in a bad place mentally, any problem, challenge or complication has the potential to derail me completely.
I become overwhelmed with the onslaught coming from my mental afflictions combined with the stress of completing the new task. My self-talk becomes negative, directed at my inability to handle the problem, and then at me as a whole for once again ‘losing it’ over something so insignificant.
Using Brutal Honesty To Align Your Actions With Your Purpose
“Honesty is more than not lying. It is truth telling, truth speaking, truth living and truth loving.” – James E Faust
Unless you are completely honest with yourself, your actions will be out of line with your true purpose. By ‘true purpose’ I am not referring to anything religious or spiritual. I am referring to what you as an individual, given your unique set of genetics and environmental influences, is best set up to do.
Just Take A Breath - The Cliché Advice That Actually Works
It is impossible breathe deeply with a slouched, tense, ‘anxious or depressed’ posture. This physiological change of posture will send a signal to your brain and your mood will begin to change.
So take 10 slow and deep breaths right now. Sounds cliche, but it works. Give it a try!
The Vulnerability Of Creativity
Why writing a web comic is harder than writing about trauma
I write down what was discussed, and any advice given. I do not want to leave the session and forget what was covered. I am paying for it after all, with my time, money, and mental state…
Mental Health Doesn't Run On A Schedule
Want to lose my respect? Attempt to rush my recovery or place my mental health on a (your) time limit…