Yes, Even You Are Allowed To Relax

Yes, Even You Are Allowed To Relax

You are allowed to relax.

It is okay to look after yourself, and you should be occasionally spoiling yourself. Rest, recover and heal. Self-care is a vital component to ‘Defeating Depression’ as well as preventing all forms of mental affliction. Yet self-care is often overlooked, discounted or put so low on the priority list that it never gets done.

I know I am guilty of this…

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Why You Should Be Exercising Daily

Why You Should Be Exercising Daily

The mind and body are completely interconnected. If something is wrong in the body, the mind may be the first place to show it. Irritability can be caused by tiredness or feeling cold. Headaches and mental tension can often be cured by hydration. Heightened anxiety levels can be significantly reduced by eating. The symptoms of depression are very similar to those of overtraining.

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Meditation - The Single Best Thing You Can Do For Your Mental State Every Day

Meditation - The Single Best Thing You Can Do For Your Mental State Every Day

Daily meditation will help you to reduce the severity and duration of distressing thoughts, emotions, moods and mind-frames by getting you out of your head and into the present moment.

It will give you some space between you and your mental phenomena, allowing you to observe what is happening without falling into it completely.

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Guard Your Mental State At All Costs

 Guard Your Mental State At All Costs

You can’t be as good a parent, sibling, friend, employee, boss, or anything else if you are emotionally drained, compromised, or suffering from a mental affliction.

The better you are, the better you can help others.

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The Questions I Ask Myself To Stay Mentally Healthy

The Questions I Ask Myself To Stay Mentally Healthy

“Make not your thoughts your prisons.” – William Shakespeare

I have noticed a peculiar thing about my mental afflictions, they come with a warning system, kind of like a weatherman’s forecast.

My internal weatherman is not perfect, but he often provides me with some vital warning signs that can help me avoid an oncoming catastrophe. Sometimes the signs line up and I am in for a week of mental anguish, emotional turbulence, and significantly diminished functionality. Other times the storm innocently passes by and I am quickly back to my normal self.

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