Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips

Suffering Is The Difference Between Expectations & Reality - Wisdom Talk

The enlightened person stubs their toe once, the untrained person stubs it twice…the first time on the rock, then again when they ruminate about stubbing their toe.

When we apply our mindful attention to pain, we see that it is merely another sensation to observe.

Whether it is physical or emotional, 'pain' presents itself through a collection of sensations, each of which can be observed, and investigated.

If we observe the sensations and feelings that arise when our expectations are not met, we may find that our suffering reduces or is entirely eliminated.

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Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips Audio, Wisdom Talk Zachary Phillips

The Fear Of Imperfection - Wisdom Talk

We have a tendency to judge our worst moments against the highlight reels of others.

We see all of our flaws, hear all the doubts, and live through the darkness, yet we compare ourselves to the external projections of others.

We fear failure, yet this fear ironically causes our performance to drop.

This talk will show you that it's only through acceptance and action that we can hope to push through our fears and take the actions necessary for success.

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blog, spirituality Zachary Phillips blog, spirituality Zachary Phillips

Am I Hitting Rock Bottom?

Rock bottom implies a hard abrupt end. A clear definable point at which things can’t get worse.

I realise I’ve been waiting for such a point, waiting for a clear moment where I can say, ‘ah ha! This is it, this is the lowest point of the dark night of my soul.’

But now I realise that the analogy of rock bottom is faulty…

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Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips

How To Deal With Death, Disability, & Displacement

Given enough time, life will cause us to suffer in one way or another. We will all become injured or sick at some stage, sometimes quite seriously.

Some of us will suffer significant setbacks, both personally and financially. A large percentage of the population lives with disabilities, mental illness and issues carried over from their past.

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Under the Influence Zachary Phillips Under the Influence Zachary Phillips


Throughout my childhood I would always see things through other people’s eyes. Not in the empathic sense, but in the seemingly literal sense. I would never be truly in my own mind, rather I would 'see myself' from a third person perspective. This was true for most of my memories, dreams, and imaginations. It would even somehow occur in real time. For example, when walking down the street to the local shop, I would not see the goings on from my own perspective. Logically, I would be using my own eyes to navigate and avoid obstacles and the like, but internally, my perception of reality would somehow be simultaneously presented to me from an outside perspective.

It was as if I was constantly observing my life through a television set, watching the characters interact, seeing them move and hearing them talk. Just like when you are watching television, there is little emotional investment in the outcome. You know that it is all just an act and that everyone involved is just pretending. So what if the main character dies, this show is not real. So what if his brother is being bullied, this show is not real. It does not matter that somebody is doing drugs in front of their five-year-old child, this show is not real.

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Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips Get Your Sh!t Together, Defeat Depression Zachary Phillips

Embracing Darkness To Better See The Light

There is suffering in this world. To live is to suffer.” – Buddha

There is no avoiding the fact that this chapter may come across as harsh to some readers. It will contain some suggestions that if taken on face value may seem offensive, insulting or uninformed. If you feel this way, please do continue reading to the end as I will hopefully clarify my position adequately, as well as potentially give you another tool to combat depression.

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Mindfulness Zachary Phillips Mindfulness Zachary Phillips

Meditating Through Pain, Sleepiness and Boredom

Some of the most common questions about meditation relate to posture. ‘How should I sit? Should I open or close my eyes? What do I do with my hands? Can I use a chair and a cushion? What if I don’t have the flexibility?’ Depending on the tradition of your instructor, you will receive different answers to these questions, some of which will be contradictory, all of which will seem very convincing.

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