How To Reframe Negative Self Talk
Learning Life Skills You Were Never Taught As A Child
You Are Allowed To End Toxic Relationships
The 13 Rules of Drug Dealing I Learnt As The Son Of A Dealer
What I Learnt Grappling for 24 Hours Straight
I Just Completed 75 HARD & The Results Are Unimpressive
I Am A Survivor Slut: On Trauma and Hyper Sexuality
There Is Something Spiritual About Cutting Your Hair
Why Mental Illness Does Not Excuse Your Behavior Towards Others
Jiu Jitsu and Mental Health: Why BJJ Is The Best Martial Art For Combating Mental Illness
A traumatic past left me with anxiety and depression issues as well as a significant amount of pent up rage. With no guidance of how to deal with it, I turned to punching a bag for relief. Luckily for me it started to work, and I fell in love with martial arts.
Eventually I came across BJJ and I was hooked - the social atmosphere, constant learning, physicality and the practicality in a self defence situation all combined to be one of the best treatments for my mental health issues...
What To Do After A Fight
A violent conflict is a serious event, you could face psychological, physical or legal concequences for your involvement - even if you didn't "start it'
What You Need To Know To End a Fight Quickly
You need to act. Violently.
Most people struggle with this. Even when being attacked, many feel unable or unwilling to respond in kind. But please remember, you are in a situation where avoidance, de-escalation and negotiation have all failed ...
The 100 Meter Sprint - The Best Martial Arts For Self-Defense You Will Ever Learn
I often joke with my students that ‘the best style of self-defence is the 100-meter sprint’. But there is a lot of truth to it. If you are not being restrained, just run. Don’t think about it, just get out of there, fast ...
Preventing Conflict Is The Best Form Of Self-Defense
If you want to stay safe it really is simple, do not put yourself in danger in the first place. Obvious I know, but many martial arts instructors fail to emphasize this point.
Taken to the extreme, people assume that I am advising them to stay indoors for eternity. To wrap themselves in cotton wool and remain hidden under the protection of their beds. Far from it ...
Lessons Learned from Ten Years of Adults Martial Arts Classes
Training should be realistic and energetic. Each technique should have a purpose, be easy to implement in real circumstances, as well as hold up to pressure testing ...