Stop Kink Shaming Yourself - Your Kinks Are Valid. Yes, Even ‘That’ Kink…

Stop Kink Shaming Yourself - Your Kinks Are Valid. Yes, Even ‘That’ Kink…

There are certain activities that get me going. Certain situations, objects, places, and parts that really take sex to the next level. Don’t get me wrong, vanilla ice-cream is tasty, but sometimes I need to add some sprinkles and hot fudge sauce to enjoy my banana split sundae…

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Frozen In Time - The Life Long Impact Of Trauma

Frozen In Time - The Life Long Impact Of Trauma

Somewhere along the line I lost contact with myself. Trauma froze me in time. This made me withdraw from people.

Connection now scares me.

Being thus frozen, my way of looking at the world, from a relationship perspective also froze. At the time of the freeze I was young. At that age, socialising is often facilitated by the adults for the child, it’s rarely done directly.

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