How To Reframe Negative Self Talk
Learning Life Skills You Were Never Taught As A Child
You Are Allowed To End Toxic Relationships
The 13 Rules of Drug Dealing I Learnt As The Son Of A Dealer
What I Learnt Grappling for 24 Hours Straight
I Just Completed 75 HARD & The Results Are Unimpressive
I Am A Survivor Slut: On Trauma and Hyper Sexuality
There Is Something Spiritual About Cutting Your Hair
Why Mental Illness Does Not Excuse Your Behavior Towards Others
Shadow Work Journal PDF
This free shadow work journal PDF will help you discover your truth and become whole. Inside you will find a comprehensive guide to shadow work journaling alongside a colleciton of activities and prompts.
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Attachment theory proposes that the relationship that forms between a parent and a child can significantly influence the dynamics of that child’s long term interpersonal relationships. The infant’s ability to develop trust in their caregivers will influence their relationships for the rest of their life.
Attachment theory further suggests that how an infant is raised will actually change the internal narrative of the child, the way they look at, judge and observe the world. This carries on into adulthood and will colour every interaction and event. How they view connection, love, and life are all skewed based on the narrator that lives within.